Airlift Dredging Explained

Airlift dredging is a method of dredging that involves using compressed air to create a vacuum in a pipeline which sucks up sediment from the bottom of a body of water and transports it to a disposal site.

The sediment is then either dumped at a designated location or used for land reclamation.

In an airlift dredging system, a compressor on the surface pumps air into a tube that is submerged at the bottom of the waterway. The compressed air then rises through the tube, creating a vacuum that sucks up sediment from the bottom of the waterway and transports it up to the surface through the same tube. Once the sediment reaches the surface, it is separated from the water and either disposed of or used for land reclamation.

Airlift dredging is often used in areas where traditional dredging equipment cannot reach or where the sediment is too deep for conventional dredging methods. It can also be more environmentally friendly than other dredging methods, as it does not use mechanical tools that can damage marine habitats.